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QSL Ltd has been a strategic partner with Regalgreen for over 10 years and together supply Gas Detection equipment to key industries nationwide. This partnership has been extremely successful in the past in obtaining key contracts and shall continue to do so in the future


- Managing Director, QSL Ltd

Gas Detection Supply


Regalgreen can source, install and service portable and fixed gas detection systems for the detection of various toxic and flammable gases and vapour.

We offer a range of gas detection systems including; ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, oxygen, methane and most often, flammable and toxic gases. Gas detection sensor systems available include; catalytic, infrared, electrochemical and semiconductor detectors.

We provide the following core products:

  • Gas detection instruments, toxic and flammable gas detectors
  • Sensors and transmitters
  • Monitors for lower explosive limits (LEL)
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Oxygen
  • Personal and area monitors for solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Noise dosimeters
  • Personal air sampling pumps and calibration equipment
  • Mercury vapour monitors
  • Disposable cylinders of gases for calibration of gas monitoring instruments
  • Breath alcohol detection



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